What are the responsibilities of a good neighbour? According to Quran and Sunnah

Responsibilities of a good neighbour
Humans are social creatures. It is human nature to live socially. Everyone is dependent on each other. Allah created man with different qualities. Everyone has to go for more or less every need. The great Lord Almighty has described the mutual rights and duties of human beings with different responsibilities.

Dua for Pain Relief | Dua of Pain | According to the Sunnah


Dua for Pain Relief | Dua of Pain | According to the Sunnah
Dua for Pain Relief

It is the duty of every Muslim to follow the methods that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught to cure diseases. The prayer for healing of pain in the light of Sahih Hadith is mentioned below.

Food can be tasted from the TV screen

Food can be tasted from the TV screen
TTV screen

A TV is coming to the market that allows you to watch TV from thousands of miles away as well as taste food. The discovery of a prototype of such a sophisticated TV has been announced by a professor from Japan. He named this technology TV 'Test the TV' or TTV for short.